the adolescent poetry generator (the best thing about it is the 'powered by google' ad i got for this guy's poems.. you decide which is which)
I Am
by The Aggregate Kid
i am smart or dumb, we will
not put my heart into has now
been crushedand so i start
thinking about when i am harmed by
those strikes a that just happened
to me i try to rise above the
misty-eyed clouds, giving people a lift
in spirits and letting them
have those inside jokes and days
together those times one was sick and
the children know the real me.
she wades in insecuerity and
harbors adolesent fears. she dreams
of all i see. me and you; you
and smile even though im nice i
seem, no one will two minds loving
still. everything i've ever put my
head spin you are reborn of a
laugh or the way you look, but how
you act, this i know a poem for
me. i like maddy she is the one
i love.
i'm dreaming sweet things in my
mind. your the best when you do
not cry my friend, my companion,
through good & bad weather, i see
him and i feel alone and
In fields of clusters, white
Lost, within the beauty there
The solitary,
The individual
Beautiful ones, amongst
The tender green
Held wanting in the breeze
Stirring together
Though spoken of, as one
Encircled petals, reflecting
A subtle, beguiling , light
In the city of trembling hearts
Where echoes resonate
The soft tender ones
Are clustered
I saw Her there
Amongst the many
Her beauty and sadness
Came dripping upon me
Her beauty and sadness, a well of drops, in her eyes
So close were we, to being one
even so
to far away we were
Separated by our shadows
I Am
by The Aggregate Kid
i am smart or dumb, we will
not put my heart into has now
been crushedand so i start
thinking about when i am harmed by
those strikes a that just happened
to me i try to rise above the
misty-eyed clouds, giving people a lift
in spirits and letting them
have those inside jokes and days
together those times one was sick and
the children know the real me.
she wades in insecuerity and
harbors adolesent fears. she dreams
of all i see. me and you; you
and smile even though im nice i
seem, no one will two minds loving
still. everything i've ever put my
head spin you are reborn of a
laugh or the way you look, but how
you act, this i know a poem for
me. i like maddy she is the one
i love.
i'm dreaming sweet things in my
mind. your the best when you do
not cry my friend, my companion,
through good & bad weather, i see
him and i feel alone and
In fields of clusters, white
Lost, within the beauty there
The solitary,
The individual
Beautiful ones, amongst
The tender green
Held wanting in the breeze
Stirring together
Though spoken of, as one
Encircled petals, reflecting
A subtle, beguiling , light
In the city of trembling hearts
Where echoes resonate
The soft tender ones
Are clustered
I saw Her there
Amongst the many
Her beauty and sadness
Came dripping upon me
Her beauty and sadness, a well of drops, in her eyes
So close were we, to being one
even so
to far away we were
Separated by our shadows
photo-journal tour of chernobyl, you will feel the microengens mounting in your dosimeter
"Republicans can’t stress enough that extremists are screaming ‘Doomsday!’ when the environment is actually seeing a new and better day."
call for proposals: community partners
relevant info:
barry russell's supermarket symphony:here--"instead of violins and flutes, the musicians played cereal boxes, shopping carts, wooden spoons, and yogurt containers filled with dry pasta. This performance was one of a series called the Pop-up Project which aims to surprise people around Manchester with arts events in unexpected places."--and here and here--"Working with sounds and ideas created by the local groups, Russell went on to compose the piece."
relevant info:
barry russell's supermarket symphony:here--"instead of violins and flutes, the musicians played cereal boxes, shopping carts, wooden spoons, and yogurt containers filled with dry pasta. This performance was one of a series called the Pop-up Project which aims to surprise people around Manchester with arts events in unexpected places."--and here and here--"Working with sounds and ideas created by the local groups, Russell went on to compose the piece."
compliance solutions for ofac, the usa patriot act, and identity verification: free name check: are you banned in the u.s.a.?
9/11 Panel Critical of Clinton, Bush
Rumsfeld told the commission in earlier interviews that he "did not recall any particular counterterrorism issue that engaged his attention before 9/11," other than the debate over preparing armed drones to target bin Laden.
In his testimony, Powell confirmed one claim by Clarke that Paul D. Wolfowitz, the deputy defense secretary who strongly supported U.S. military action against Iraq, suggested an attack on the government of Saddam Hussein during a meeting at Camp David just four days after the 2001 attacks. President Bush "said first things first," Powell said. "He decided on Afghanistan."
Rumsfeld told the commission in earlier interviews that he "did not recall any particular counterterrorism issue that engaged his attention before 9/11," other than the debate over preparing armed drones to target bin Laden.
In his testimony, Powell confirmed one claim by Clarke that Paul D. Wolfowitz, the deputy defense secretary who strongly supported U.S. military action against Iraq, suggested an attack on the government of Saddam Hussein during a meeting at Camp David just four days after the 2001 attacks. President Bush "said first things first," Powell said. "He decided on Afghanistan."
play this game instead of watching the news: september 12
Love meter
Directions: To get your love meter reading, answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1) When you are not with your partner, do you:
Think about him/her often Think about him/her during downtime at work/school
Become paralyzed with longing Wonder what your exes are up to
2) When you first see your partner after being apart, do you want to:
Give him/her a bear hug Watch TV
Drag him/her to bed, forget talking Plant a huge kiss on him/her
5) [Sponsor Question] Would you like to register for a $2 Million Instant Win scratch card?
No thanks
6) [Sponsor Question] Want to browse photos of singles from Imatch-up for FREE?
Yes, I'd like to browse photos
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Contact us: info@colonize.com | Copyright ©2000-2004 Colonize.com. All rights reserved.
All methods are proprietary. Violators will be prosecuted.
Brought to you by Colonize.com
Directions: To get your love meter reading, answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
1) When you are not with your partner, do you:
Think about him/her often Think about him/her during downtime at work/school
Become paralyzed with longing Wonder what your exes are up to
2) When you first see your partner after being apart, do you want to:
Give him/her a bear hug Watch TV
Drag him/her to bed, forget talking Plant a huge kiss on him/her
5) [Sponsor Question] Would you like to register for a $2 Million Instant Win scratch card?
No thanks
6) [Sponsor Question] Want to browse photos of singles from Imatch-up for FREE?
Yes, I'd like to browse photos
No thanks
Contact us: info@colonize.com | Copyright ©2000-2004 Colonize.com. All rights reserved.
All methods are proprietary. Violators will be prosecuted.
Brought to you by Colonize.com
"I think people are tired of things you can get everywhere in the world."
Time May Be Up for Naps in Pre-K Class
By Nancy Trejos
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 15, 2004; Page A01
After lunch and snacks, alphabet and story times, the lights go off. Sixteen tiny bodies sprawl on a sea of red foam mats, the sounds of classical piano coaxing them to sleep.
And there they stay, tucked under Spider-Man and Powerpuff Girls blankets, until teacher Chantay Wynn switches on the lights 45 minutes later. "Come on, get up," Wynn chides 4-year-old Steven Dieu, lifting him from his mat. "Open your eyes."
It's a daily ritual for the pre-kindergarten students at Hoffman-Boston Elementary School in Arlington, as it is at countless schools across the country. But in the increasingly urgent world of public education, is it a luxury that 4-year-olds no longer can afford?
"They can't be babied," she said. "These are young minds. We have to take advantage of this early stage when they grasp everything."
By Nancy Trejos
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 15, 2004; Page A01
After lunch and snacks, alphabet and story times, the lights go off. Sixteen tiny bodies sprawl on a sea of red foam mats, the sounds of classical piano coaxing them to sleep.
And there they stay, tucked under Spider-Man and Powerpuff Girls blankets, until teacher Chantay Wynn switches on the lights 45 minutes later. "Come on, get up," Wynn chides 4-year-old Steven Dieu, lifting him from his mat. "Open your eyes."
It's a daily ritual for the pre-kindergarten students at Hoffman-Boston Elementary School in Arlington, as it is at countless schools across the country. But in the increasingly urgent world of public education, is it a luxury that 4-year-olds no longer can afford?
"They can't be babied," she said. "These are young minds. We have to take advantage of this early stage when they grasp everything."
listen to this: the voice of the people
the world must be bored
this thing converts boredom to laughter (or something, something), an amazingly efficient engine, negative loss of potential i think
the world must be bored
this thing converts boredom to laughter (or something, something), an amazingly efficient engine, negative loss of potential i think
create-your-own campaign signs for bush-cheney '04!!!
excerpts from nettime discussion on reading lists, >>A<< reading list:
Reply-to: "geert lovink"
(Would it include Empire, Crowds and Power, Male Fantasies, a Foucault, Ahrendt or even Deleuze? How much history (of science)? How much would politically correct and which titles would really be useful? Geert)
The Problem with Dead White Males By Arnold Kling Published 02/27/2004
My List
If I were asked to select five books that every college student must read in order to be prepared to engage in discourse in the 21st century, my list would be as follows:
The Blank Slate, by Stephen Pinker
The Age of Spiritual Machines, by Ray Kurzweil
The Transparent Society, by David Brin
The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
Eastward to Tartary, by Robert Kaplan
The Skeptical Environmentalist, by Bjorn Lomborg,
The first two volumes of Robert Skidelsky's biography of John Maynard
Tom Wolfe , Bonfire of the Vanities
economist Randall Parker's Reflections on the Great Depression and Winston Churchill's The Gathering Storm.
militant Islam, Ralph Peters book Beyond Terror.
Contemporary economics Virginia Postrel's The Future and its Enemies or Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics or Sowell's The Vision of the Anointed.
Reply-to: Alan Sondheim
Koran, Bible, Analects - at the least. I don't think it's possible to
understand contemporary culture and fundamentalisms without them.
There's a series of Verso books - the No-Nonsense Guides - I've read the one on Islam, which brilliantly summarizes a great deal of material. There are others on globalization, terrorism, etc
Anthologies such as the New Media Reader.
An updated version of Fiske's Television Culture.
Winograd and Flores - Understanding Computers and Cognition.
The analog/digital sections of Anthony Wilden's System and Structure.
Wittgenstein's Tractatus read in conjunction w/ Philosophical
perhaps a book questioning three things: genre, canon, essentialism.
By the way - not Male Fantasies, but male fantasies. I would include at least one pornographic work. However defined, it's a critical discourse. Read against Kathy Acker.
Flesh and Steel by Mishima and with and against any Heiner Muller.
Reply-to: "Prem Chandavarkar"
Rather than a definitive list of books (which implies that there is a
starting and end point to reading) I would first emphasise the importance of the continuing impulse to read. In the movie 'Shadowlands' which is based on the life of C.S. Lewis, a student of Lewis makes the profound remark "We read in order to know that we are not alone". The act of reading forces us to shift out of our own eyes and adopt the eyes of another, to move out of the comfort zone of our life and step into the unknown space of the book. The step away from our life and the return to it is a cycle of renewal and it its essential that we constantly repeat it.
Hayden White: "The Tropics of Discourse" - a collection of essays that
shattered my perception of history as a canonical form of truth, and
revealed the literary and artistic devices used in the writing of history.
Jean-Francois Lyotard: "The PostModern Condition"
Jacque Derrida: "Of Grammatology"
Jeanette Winterson: "Art Objects - Essays in Ecstacy and Effrontery"
Italo Calvino: 2 books - "Invisible Cities" and "Six Memos for the New
Lawrence Lessig: 2 books - "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace" and "The Future of Ideas".
Huston Smith: 2 books - "The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions" and "Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition"
Michael Polanyi: 3 books - "The Tacit Dimension", "Personal Knowledge" and/or the last book "Meaning" which summarises his philosophy.
Steven Johnson: "Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software"
Wolfgang Sachs (ed): "The Development Dictionary"
John Allen Paulos: "A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper"
Etienne Wenger: "Communities of Practice"
Albert Laszlo Barabasi: "Linked: The New Science of Networks".
Bernard Lietaer: "The Future of Money"
Reply-to: aphid
virilio's information bomb or speed & politics
debord's society of the spectacle
delanda's 1000 years of nonlinear history
lev manovich's language of new media, which i have a lot of problems with but at least he has done a better job with 'interactivity' than in 'what is digital cinema'
critical art ensemble's digital resistance
kevin kelly's out of control
some foucault is appropriate, as is deleuze, and of course benjamin
(simultaneously with lessig perhaps)
Reply-to: "geert lovink"
(Would it include Empire, Crowds and Power, Male Fantasies, a Foucault, Ahrendt or even Deleuze? How much history (of science)? How much would politically correct and which titles would really be useful? Geert)
The Problem with Dead White Males By Arnold Kling Published 02/27/2004
My List
If I were asked to select five books that every college student must read in order to be prepared to engage in discourse in the 21st century, my list would be as follows:
The Blank Slate, by Stephen Pinker
The Age of Spiritual Machines, by Ray Kurzweil
The Transparent Society, by David Brin
The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
Eastward to Tartary, by Robert Kaplan
The Skeptical Environmentalist, by Bjorn Lomborg,
The first two volumes of Robert Skidelsky's biography of John Maynard
Tom Wolfe , Bonfire of the Vanities
economist Randall Parker's Reflections on the Great Depression and Winston Churchill's The Gathering Storm.
militant Islam, Ralph Peters book Beyond Terror.
Contemporary economics Virginia Postrel's The Future and its Enemies or Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics or Sowell's The Vision of the Anointed.
Reply-to: Alan Sondheim
Koran, Bible, Analects - at the least. I don't think it's possible to
understand contemporary culture and fundamentalisms without them.
There's a series of Verso books - the No-Nonsense Guides - I've read the one on Islam, which brilliantly summarizes a great deal of material. There are others on globalization, terrorism, etc
Anthologies such as the New Media Reader.
An updated version of Fiske's Television Culture.
Winograd and Flores - Understanding Computers and Cognition.
The analog/digital sections of Anthony Wilden's System and Structure.
Wittgenstein's Tractatus read in conjunction w/ Philosophical
perhaps a book questioning three things: genre, canon, essentialism.
By the way - not Male Fantasies, but male fantasies. I would include at least one pornographic work. However defined, it's a critical discourse. Read against Kathy Acker.
Flesh and Steel by Mishima and with and against any Heiner Muller.
Reply-to: "Prem Chandavarkar"
Rather than a definitive list of books (which implies that there is a
starting and end point to reading) I would first emphasise the importance of the continuing impulse to read. In the movie 'Shadowlands' which is based on the life of C.S. Lewis, a student of Lewis makes the profound remark "We read in order to know that we are not alone". The act of reading forces us to shift out of our own eyes and adopt the eyes of another, to move out of the comfort zone of our life and step into the unknown space of the book. The step away from our life and the return to it is a cycle of renewal and it its essential that we constantly repeat it.
Hayden White: "The Tropics of Discourse" - a collection of essays that
shattered my perception of history as a canonical form of truth, and
revealed the literary and artistic devices used in the writing of history.
Jean-Francois Lyotard: "The PostModern Condition"
Jacque Derrida: "Of Grammatology"
Jeanette Winterson: "Art Objects - Essays in Ecstacy and Effrontery"
Italo Calvino: 2 books - "Invisible Cities" and "Six Memos for the New
Lawrence Lessig: 2 books - "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace" and "The Future of Ideas".
Huston Smith: 2 books - "The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions" and "Forgotten Truth: The Primordial Tradition"
Michael Polanyi: 3 books - "The Tacit Dimension", "Personal Knowledge" and/or the last book "Meaning" which summarises his philosophy.
Steven Johnson: "Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software"
Wolfgang Sachs (ed): "The Development Dictionary"
John Allen Paulos: "A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper"
Etienne Wenger: "Communities of Practice"
Albert Laszlo Barabasi: "Linked: The New Science of Networks".
Bernard Lietaer: "The Future of Money"
Reply-to: aphid
virilio's information bomb or speed & politics
debord's society of the spectacle
delanda's 1000 years of nonlinear history
lev manovich's language of new media, which i have a lot of problems with but at least he has done a better job with 'interactivity' than in 'what is digital cinema'
critical art ensemble's digital resistance
kevin kelly's out of control
some foucault is appropriate, as is deleuze, and of course benjamin
(simultaneously with lessig perhaps)
from the dead media project...
Dead medium: The Flame Organ
Source(s): Experimental Musical Instruments Volume 10 #1, Sept. 1994.
FIRE MUSIC . Introductory Notes by Bart Hopkin
Here is how to make flame sing: obtain a glass tube, one or two inches in diameter, open at both ends, and perhaps two or three feet long. Light a propane torch or similar burner, and insert the nozzle about one fourth of the way into the open lower end of the tube. If conditions are right, you will hear the tone will begin == not abruptly, but with a growing volume.
Gather together a tuned set of such tubes, develop the mechanisms to shut the flames on and off in a controlled manner, and you will have created a flame organ.
The sounds of such an arrangement, according to people who have worked with flame tones, are highly varied. The system can be refined so as to dependably produce clear, steady tones at the frequency of the tube's fundamental. Or the mechanism can be adjusted to bring out harmonics. On the other hand, you can take a less controlling approach, and let the system come forth with a menagerie of whoops, shrieks and moans. One consistent characteristic: the attacks are not sharp; rather, each tone grows as the resonance establishes itself.
Dead medium: The Flame Organ
Source(s): Experimental Musical Instruments Volume 10 #1, Sept. 1994.
FIRE MUSIC . Introductory Notes by Bart Hopkin
Here is how to make flame sing: obtain a glass tube, one or two inches in diameter, open at both ends, and perhaps two or three feet long. Light a propane torch or similar burner, and insert the nozzle about one fourth of the way into the open lower end of the tube. If conditions are right, you will hear the tone will begin == not abruptly, but with a growing volume.
Gather together a tuned set of such tubes, develop the mechanisms to shut the flames on and off in a controlled manner, and you will have created a flame organ.
The sounds of such an arrangement, according to people who have worked with flame tones, are highly varied. The system can be refined so as to dependably produce clear, steady tones at the frequency of the tube's fundamental. Or the mechanism can be adjusted to bring out harmonics. On the other hand, you can take a less controlling approach, and let the system come forth with a menagerie of whoops, shrieks and moans. One consistent characteristic: the attacks are not sharp; rather, each tone grows as the resonance establishes itself.
Q & A: The Uprising in Haiti, Washington Post
Will there be more "boat people"?
Preventing another mass exodus of Haitians like the one that occurred in the early 1990s is now is a prime goal of U.S. policy. With the Coast Guard on alert for refugees seeking to reach the United States, U.S. officials are reportedly bolstering accommodations at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is 180 miles northwest of Haiti, to house Haitians intercepted on the high sea
[i wonder if they will be as well-accomodated as all of those lodged in the big pre-trial hotel down there...]
Will there be more "boat people"?
Preventing another mass exodus of Haitians like the one that occurred in the early 1990s is now is a prime goal of U.S. policy. With the Coast Guard on alert for refugees seeking to reach the United States, U.S. officials are reportedly bolstering accommodations at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which is 180 miles northwest of Haiti, to house Haitians intercepted on the high sea
[i wonder if they will be as well-accomodated as all of those lodged in the big pre-trial hotel down there...]